In my case, and in the case of the early 70’s in general, folk music and singer/songwriter hits were still all the rage. When you’re a little kid, you don’t usually get to choose the music that gets played in the house, so you adapt to the tastes of your parents. They weighed a ton so it was easier to just enjoy the music wherever it landed. The record players were often made with handles as though they were actually portable, when in reality they never really left the room they were first plunked down in. But thankfully, we still had records that I could listen to and that was a lovely thing indeed. She asked me why, and I simply said, “No more Ray Charles.” His soulful melodies, in my little mind, only came on that giant 8-track and the second I spied that new tiny slot in the dashboard, I knew that things had changed for the worse.

When we got a new car with a cassette player, my mother asked me what I thought of it and I told her that I hated it. Those were those large cumbersome things that my dad was quite proud to have in his car when I was little. Cassette tapes were still considered experimental and the sound quality had just caught up with 8-track tapes. I jumped back to the 70’s for today’s doodlewash and just depicted the origin of my love of music itself. So much depends on your mood and the particular time period that you’re living through at the moment. Choosing a single favorite song is an impossible task to be sure.